Thursday, September 09, 2004

Ongoing Greek Lessons

For those of you looking to work on your ancient Greek:
is a wonderful site for greek grammar. Eventually we will progress to this, but currently we are working on the basics of vocabulary.

Definitions of last week's post.
Neleonessa - Merciless Duck... I hope to get a picture of a duck with a battleaxe onto this site. If you happen to have one, please send me it. I understand UPS delivers animals.

prophron - for the spirit/mind

prolix - for the words ... in common use: wordy and of excessive length

I think that in the time since my last post I attended a black tie Bar Mitzvah (not Greek) in Hotlanta (USA). While I didnt swim while there, I did spend time in politely preened company. Needless to say the amount of Die Hard-like action was limited to watching Die Hard 3 in the hotel. Word of advice, in all events, keep the DJ out of the dinner area during dining.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Thanking Donald J. Borror

First of all I would like to point out that I am NotGregTouchton. Second, I would like to thank my good friend and overprotegé (much like overlord), the wordsmith Donald J. Borror. Without your help I would never have known the significance of the duck.

Oh yeah, I am not prolix just prophron