Tuesday, May 23, 2006

SFO - Pre India 1

While waiting at PDX, despite the free Internet in the airport, I picked up a recommended book of short stories for my trip. I found it somewhat fitting that the introduction said that all the life stories one needs, one can get at home, here, in America.

My fortune cookie from lunch: A sudden change in plans will have fortuitous results.

I still decide to go to India, and board my flight to transit stop 1: California.

In San Francisco I meet an old friend from 4th grade, Andrew Winerman, and head to Golden Gate Park. As fits SF in the summer, the fog rolls in and the Ultimate Frisbee teams are out in force: about 20 teams man the fields. After working up a Healthy Appetite, Andrew and I head to another bastian of SF: New Age cuisine.

The gimmicks are twofold, not only is everything vegetarian (maybe vegan) but all the grains are sprouted. The second gimmick is the way one orders: meals are named things like "I am Divine" or "I am Satisfied". When the food comes, the repeats back "You are Divine" or "You are Satisfied". Missing from the menu was "I am Hungry" so I attempted to be Satisfied instead. [Insert Rolling Stones joke here]. In addition to gimmickee food, the restaurant had prepay cards, which gave around a 1/6 discount. My buddy had over $1k prepaid. Nice.

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